Q: Does the deal restrict Iran’s hegemonic ambitions and terror sponsoring?
A: The agreement will likely collapse under its own weight.

  • Iran has gobbled up four Arab capitals through its influence: Beirut, Damascus, Baghdad and most recently Sana’a.
  • Iran is directly complicit in the industrial-scale killing in Syria, where it supports Assad’s murderous regime with the support of Hezbollah, has tightened its grip on Iraq through affiliated Shiite militia groups, and has used the Houthi rebels in Yemen as a vehicle to consolidate power on the Arabian Peninsula.
  • Obama’s own State Department listed Iran as the leading state sponsor of terror, while the nuclear deal negotiated by his administration provided the Islamic Republic with hundreds of millions of dollars in sanctions relief and new trade deals.
  • Iran’s terror proxies are among the main beneficiaries and the intelligence chief of the Israel Defense Forces confirmed that Iran now contributes $50 million to Hamas’ annual budget, while bankrolling its Shi’ite Lebanese proxy Hezbollah with $75 million and funding Palestinian Islamic Jihad with an additional $70 million.